Blog — Tuesday, 28 January, 2020
Work is still ongoing on deck, but much of the focus has shifted to the interior. The mahogany panels are starting to be installed, and some of the cabin partitions constructed of poplar (as were the originals) have been trial fitted. The original desk from the main saloon is being repaired, and it’s a time-consuming process: Repairs are made, replacing broken or decayed parts, which eventually must be matched to the original wood finish. Then the original shellac is removed.
The electrical wiring work also continues. Much of it has to be installed under the floor, where the space is limited and the temperature is chilly.
In the engine room, the frame supporting the floor plates was dry fitted. Next to be installed are the floor plates, which are checkered aluminum.
Back on the deck, the caprails (also called capping rails) that run the length of the boat are being varnished. Like the masts, they require many, many coats.
Paul’s decorative detail at the bow—which is a copy of the original—is completed to the undercoat stage, and the floral patterns are gradually emerging.
The decorative detail at the stem, which is a copy of the original design, was done by Master Shipwright Paul.
Richard and Nico are studying the deck plan, discussing the correct deck hardware positions.
Kawashima is cutting the mortices in the frame for one of the bulkheads.
The desk from the main saloon has been stripped of shellac before final restoration. Notice the way the side panels have been cut to fit the slope of the hull.