Monday, July 8, 2019
There are two teams—Lewis and Nico, and Richard and Michael—working on the plywood subdeck. They’ve made a table on the deck where they can cut the sheets of plywood.
Chuck is also on the deck, making measurements for the masts and rigging.
Back in the engine room, with Richard. We are now working with steelmakers to manufacture mounting platforms for the pumps. Everything is at an angle and must be fitted level.
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
A cedar lining is being bonded to the underside of the sub-deck to mimic the planking that would be visible if the deck was laid traditionally.
Work continues on the sole bearers. There are many of them and they all have to be level and at the correct height. The sole is level from the engine room to the main saloon where it changes to a slight angle and rises to the bow.
Ben and Ian are discussing the fairing and the centerline at the stem. The bobstay (the part of the rigging that counteracts the upward tension on the bowsprit) must be fitted dead center on the stem. So the fairing must be very carefully or the leading edge of the stem will not be at the center of the boat.
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Lewis and Nico are applying a coat of undercoat to the cedar lining of the sub-deck, a task that is much easier done now than when it is the ceiling after installation. The tape is to keep paint off of the places where the sub-deck will be bonded to the beams.
Leo is preparing long boards for fairing the hull. He pastes sandpaper on a long thin boards, which other team members are using on the hull (below).
Thursday, July 11, 2019
The deck is seeing a constant parade of shipwrights, carpenters, engineers, and steelmakers working on various parts of the boat.
Paul engraved the words “CERTIFIED BOATSWAIN’S STORE. 98/100 TONS” on a sail locker beam, tracing the letters from the original carving. The boatswain (today’s “bosun”) is responsible for the sails and the rigging.
Nat is in the mast workshop, painting mast fittings.
Friday, July 12, 2019
Nico and Lewis are still working on the cedar lining of the subdeck.
While Paul and Ian are discussing fairing the hood ends of the planking into the stern chock. The hood ends are where the ends of the hull planks run into the stem.
Cynara is definitely beginning to take shape.