Blog — Friday , 11 December , 2020
December 1
Tatsumi is finishing up the linen cupboard in one of the aft guest cabins.
Hashimoto is checking an angle with a bevel gauge while making the frames for the galley cabinets.
Kawashima is making the cabinet for the captain’s cabin, after the condition of the original was deemed to be beyond restoration, using the old one (below) as a reference. While the furniture in the crew and captain’s cabins follow the same Camper and Nicholsons’ style as the owner and guest areas, they are less ornate, and were made of less expensive mahogany. We are using a combination of mahogany from the Philippines and Africa.
December 2, 2020
Sail Training
Weather: Cloudy and a little rain
Wind: North northeast, 16-25 knots
Mr. Noboru Watanabe, Chairman and CEO of Riviera, at the helm of Cynara during the sail training, and with the crew (below).
December 5
Hashimoto is now working on the drawers for the galley. The dovetail joints below is an example of his joinery work.
(Above and below) Paul is installing Corian splash backs on the sink unit tops. Corian is a non-porous material often used for countertops, and while it is not a traditional material, it does match the shower interiors with its marble-patterned appearance.
December 8
Tatsumi is making doors for the various cabinets. There are many doors of various sizes that have to be made now that all the cabinets are in.
Kawashima is working in the captain’s cabin. As in the owner and guest areas, the cabin has wooden trunking around the deck head that boxes in the beam ends and allows cable runs. He also has to make a box (below) to hide the motor of the electric winch situated directly above the cabin.
December 11
Sail Training
Weather: Cloudy
Wind: East Northeast 3-8 knots
Waves: 0-0.2m
Schedule: Fit the new main-topsail