Blog — Thursday , 8 January , 2021
January 4,2021
Kawashima is making final adjustments to the drawers under an aft cabin bunk.
Tatsumi and Hashimoto are working together to prepare the original guest cabin doors for refitting. Here they are making a pattern of the frame to check against the door in the workshop.
Pascal is examining the old frame of the rudder pointer at the helm, which is a brass frame with a Perspex cover. The frame was crudely made and asymmetrical. We decided that being such a great original feature in such a prominent position, it deserved better, so Pascal is making a new bronze frame with a glass cover.
January 6 ,2021
Paul started installing the door of the shower room, after hanging some vinyl to control the dust from spreading to the finished cabin.
Tatsumi and Pascal are working on the plumbing for the sink unit in the crew head.
January 7,2021
Wada and Koiwai are preparing the underside of the deck table for varnishing.
Kawashima and Tatsumi continue to install doors, which means cutting and fitting locks, keeps and handles for every cabin door. A real gale was blowing today, making it difficult to do detailed work as the ship pitched and rolled in the swell.